Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Thing 30 The End

Boy, there sure is a lot of technology going on out there. Who knew you could do so much on the computer.

Some of the exercises I couldn't get into or when I followed the instructions wouldn't work. So I did have to ask for assistance. I do better with step by step instructions to follow when I am not familiar with something or have no idea what I am doing.

We were given instructions that we were expected to complete this, it was not a choice.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Thing 29 Learning 2.0

I did like creating my blog and with help adding a picture to brighten it up. I also like going into YouTube on worktime and seeing some of the wild and crazy things on that site. I alos think LibraryThing is interesting. As far as MySpace, Tecnorati and some others that don't appeal to me I am not really interested.

I did like going in and looking at other blogs. Some of them are so creative. I thought Sense & Sensibility was a great blog! Great pictures and I just love that story!

I thought Dragonfly was great. My favorite colors and as soon as the blog came up I knew whose it was. Great job Titan!

Problems with dogs: I also knew whose blog this was as soon as it came up. What a cute picture of the terror of the house.

Thing 14 Reader's Advisory Wiki

I haven't actually read a book for pleasure in so long I can't even remember what the last one was, so I chose one I did for the Waves, Words, and Wonders storytime we had here at OF. I did have to ask for help about how to add my review to the site.

Thing 28 Rollyo

I created a search roll for Crafts & Activities (kids) and one for Recipes. I can see where this would be helpful to just go here to sites you have used over and over and found the information you were looking for.

Powered by Rollyo

Thing 27 LibraryThing

I had looked at this site in one of the exercises before and found it fascinating. I did create an account and added five titles I find interesting.

Thing 26 Image generator

I did find this particular one interesting. I found it from the subject listing on The Generator Blog.

Thing 25 podcasts and video

I did listen to Baby Duck in the Rain from one of the pod sites however I would prefer to see the pages of the book as opposed to the swirling images on the computer. I guess if this was a child's only type of exposure to books (which I would find hard to believe, okay. Otherwise I prefer actually sitting down with the child and book and reading a much more rewarding experience for all concerned. As far as video is concerned I can understand that better as you are actually seeing something.